

Zoran Dzorlev, Professor of a Violin and MA in folkloristics.

He is born in Strumica, Republic of Macedonia on 10 of January 1967.

Introduction of the violin starts at primary and secondary music educational school at “DMBUC”- Ilija Nikolovski Luj – Skopje.

He graduate violin in 1990 at Faculty of Music Arts in Skopje.

14 years he have been working in Macedonian Opera and Ballet, in the last 3 years (before joining Ballet School) he works as a deputy concert master;

Member of the Youth Chamber Orchestra of the MMM led by prof. Maestro Fimco Muratovski as deputy concert master.

Member of the Macedonian Chamber Orchestra in Leadership of Maestro Vanco Chavadarski.

Member of many chamber orchestras and Macedonian Filharmony.



The voice of the violin

Ne kazuvaj libe…

Evergreen world music


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